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A Digital Course For Daily Success

Take 1% of Your Day to Plan the Other 99%

A Framework For Daily Success



without the overwhelm of endless to-do lists, the constant weight of stress, and the fear of not accomplishing your purpose in life.

Fewer than 1% of professionals start each day with a plan for success

Most are characterized by continually jumping from one ‘urgent’ matter to the next, in a frantic effort to get things done - which leads directly to overwhelm.

Clearly, ‘no plan’ is a plan...

It’s just the worst possible plan anyone could have.

I’ll spare you the lengthy explanations. 

After all, you’ve heard it said that your daily habits determine your future...

which means when you learn how to develop daily habits, you’ll experience the time, freedom, and personal fulfillment you’ve always wanted.


Here's What You Might Not Know:

Conquering (and ultimately, controlling) your day will give you the opportunity to…

I’ll spare you the lengthy explanations. 

After all, you’ve heard it said that your daily habits determine your future...

which means when you learn how to crack the system on daily habits, you’ll experience the freedom and joy you’ve desired.

Ultimately, what you do in the small moments of your life determine the big moments of your life.  

It doesn’t surprise me at all you believe you are capable of achieving incredible success.

In short, taking control of 1% of your day will turbo-charge the other 99%

Which means…. 

Even if you’re new to your career or just dipping your toe into the world of personal development, there’s a golden opportunity for you to skip the anxiety-producing hustle and speed past your competition with the exact system for creating success in your life — beyond what you ever imagined possible. 

You’ve likely seen or know successful people — their lives, careers, and relationships all seem to flow effortlessly from one success to the next, while most of the people you’re surrounded by seem perpetually irritated and always exhausted from the most recent fire they’ve put out…

… and not taking the step to take control of 1% of your day, a decision that is easy to make and easy not to make, will lead to a proverbial “Groundhog’s Day” of disappointment and overwhelm.

Think with me for a moment: What if you could cut the *noise* and wake up every day knowing you have a simple, reliable system for taking control of your life… that actually works.

The key ingredient to take control of your day is keeping it simple.

And with your permission, that’s exactly what I will show you how to do.


A Digital Course For Daily Success


Life on a 3x5 is the ONLY program of its kind that…

Shows you the right steps to take each day.

Your life doesn’t need another fancy planner, in fact, all you need are 3x5 notecards. This program focuses on the right, most profitable steps for accomplishing your goals and fulfilling your purpose, not another planner to collect dust.

Techniques for determining your purpose, setting goals, and creating the right daily habits.

Everything in your life should align with your purpose. The biggest benefit of taking control of your day instead of your day taking control of you is that you make more room for taking on purpose-aligned tasks. It’s my passion in life to teach you how to do that.

Doesn’t require a subscription program.

Once you learn the Life on a 3x5 system, it’s yours for life. It’s simple, easy to complete each day (less than 1% of your day!), and costs pennies in comparison to programs you’ve likely tried.

Tailors the system to your unique circumstances in a private, members-only group.

Any change in your habits will be difficult, but it’s not a road you need to walk alone. You’ll have access to the member-only group where you can ask questions, collaborate, and network with other individuals applying the Life on a 3x5 system.


Here's How I'll Help You Get There: 

Direct Results With Life on a 3x5


“Life on a 3x5 digital course gave me the tools and training to live a more productive life. It’s like getting a 25th hour in my day.”

Todd Parr


“Life on a 3x5: A Framework for Daily Success is an excellent tool and is easy to use. A few minutes a day and I’m on my way.”

David Tillman


“Life on a 3x5 gave me a plan and the confidence to win the day.” 

Chris Burton


“I have been following the Life on a 3x5 plan for over seven years. I can honestly say applying these simple practices has allowed me to get more done in less time and focus on what matters most.”

Ashton McIntyre


“Life on a 3x5: A Framework for Daily Success has been transformational for me. It helped me define and clarify my life’s purpose, pursue and accomplish goals, develop disciplines, and set priorities. I believe this digital course will have a lasting impact on your life.”

Colonel Tim Cole, USMC (Ret.)


“I never imagined that a simple system would have such a profound impact on my creativity and productivity. I encourage you to implement Life on a 3x5 as you begin your day.”

Kyle Cunningham, Nonprofit Executive

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Complete Life on a 3x5 - A Framework For Daily Success - $2,500 Value

  • Bonus #1: Private, Members Only Facebook Group
  • Bonus #2: Scotty's complete Life on a 3x5 Coaching Archives
  • Bonus #3: The Purpose Accelerator Guide
  • Bonus #4 : Fast Action 24 Hour Bonus - 5 Value-Packed Leadership Breakout Guides for your team

  But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for only:

Save $100


ENROLL NOW for $497




100% Money Back Guarantee!

If you don't feel Life On A 3x5 is worth every penny you invest, we will happily refund your entire purchase price. Your only risk is NOT investing in yourself. Watch the video for a personal message from Scotty...